Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Introduction & About Me~

Hello everyone and welcome to my Fire Emblem blog.

I've created this blog as a place for me to speak my heart about something I'm passionate about. As an introduction to this Blog, I'll provide an introduction to myself. And without further ado, let us as the following question:

Who am I? 

You can just call me Noriko. I'm a young lady from Canada with a deep passion for Fire Emblem. But we know most of those details already, so allow me to elaborate for you. Eleven years ago I was exposed to the Fire Emblem series for the very first time.
My older cousin, let's call him "John," showed me Fire Emblem Gaiden for the Famicom (NES). Despite the archaic design of the game, I was curious. So, after asking what it was called, he threw a controller in my hand and assisted me in playing through the prologue of Fire Emblem Genealogy of the Holy War (SNES). I was so captivated by the game play that I had to see more. So, he continued on telling me about the games and how much fun they were. Which, eventually, led me to be exposed to Fire Emblem Thracia 776 (Also for the SNES). He and I would sit down and play these Fire Emblem titles until he eventually had to move back home across the country.

Of course, knowing little old eleven year old me, I nearly forgot about Fire Emblem by the time he saw me again. On my twelfth birthday, he flew across the country just to deliver a birthday present to me. While we were sitting around the table eating nachos that night, he gave me a small package and encouraged me to open it. And so I did, only to find copies of Fire Emblem and Fire Emblem The Sacred Stones (both GBA titles).

And so that's my introduction to the Fire Emblem series.